Our Employees

“Our Entire Knowledge and Skill Base”

20 colleagues in production, work preparation and administration bring together years of experience, expertise and a constant readiness to innovate as one exceptional team. Everyone profits from the knowledge of others, teamwork and willingness to perform are integral to our success across all disciplines and generations, something we are truly proud of!

Together and for each other

Our most senior member of staff, Siegfried “Mecki” Ruser, has been working as a founder and hand former in our company since September 1953 – he still works as passionately for us today as the day he started. Our youngest factory student, born in 1992, has been with us since 2014 – mainly in the foundry. On speaking about his work with the younger generation Mecki comments: We work hand in hand. I pass on my knowledge and my experience across generations.

Learning something new…

Of particular importance to us is keeping abreast of the times and up to date with constant change and continuous development. Training provided by various institutions such as the VD Guss (Association of German Foundry Professionals e.V.), the Association of the Metal and Electrical Industry of the Saarland e. V. (ME Saar), the Saarland Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Saarland Chamber of Crafts, the Festo Learning Center Saar allows us to keep fully ‚up to date with all the latest trends and developments.

True to the words of Dante Alighieri: “One waits for time to change, the other grabs it vigorously and acts”.

»Ein Meister seines Fachs! Seit über 60 Jahren arbeitet Siegfried Ruser als Handformer. Sein Know-how ist gefragt wie nie.« Source: GIESSEREI 03/2014.

»Kein Schluss mit Guss. Siegfried Ruser arbeitet seit 60 Jahren.« Text: Nicolas Schöneich; Fotos: Jan Michael Hosan. Source: Website »Herz der Wirtschaft«, http://www.herz-der-wirtschaft.de